You deserve to feel empowered during pregnancy and birth.

A Holistic Approach to Birth

Birth can work seamlessly if it is not disturbed. The best labor support will protect a woman's privacy and insure that she feels safe in her birth environment. An undisturbed, physiological birth surrounded in love and support allows the neurochemicals and hormones in the body and the brain to work simultaneously acting as “nature’s narcotics”. An understanding of this empowers the birthing woman to labor through wisdom and intuition while using non-pharmacologic pain management techniques to keep her and baby in optimal health for a more natural birth experience.

You birth how you live. The way we feel about our bodies, the emotional connections we create with our spouse, and the faith we have in our creator will all show up in the ways we journey through pregnancy and labor. This is a sacred time for the mother-to-be so, preparation is key. Let’s use this time to strengthen your relationship with your partner, deepen your spiritual faith, focus on tuning into your body, and allowing space for connection with the beautiful miracle growing inside of you.

How we birth can change the world. If the mother births the way she lives, then the babies must live in the way they are birthed, right? Keep in mind that your baby is also an active participant during labor! They will preform at their best if they are birthed in the ways they were conceived. For example, if your baby was conceived in private through love, trust, and deep connection, then that is the environment we must welcome them into this world with. This gentle approach focuses on keeping birth a sacred and spiritual experience. By minimizing unnecessary intervention, you are minimizing increased risk of birth complications often resulting in post-traumatic stress or postpartum depression. Today, it is reported that 45% of women experience birth trauma. Although modern medicine can be a great source when truly needed, we must give nature a chance to work symbiotically with us to encourage a more compassionate entrance into the world, for mother and baby.

To The New Mothers

You have begun your transformative journey from Maiden to Mother. Take it all in! You are not only about to give birth to your baby, but will also be birthing a new and improved YOU. During this rite of passage, you deserve to feel heard, supported, and empowered. Motherhood begins when you start making those important decisions for you and your baby. Advocating for yourself can seem hard for some of us but with correct information and thorough communication, making decisions will come surprisingly easily and confidently during this time! Here are some things you can expect as you move towards your initiation:

  • spiritual and psychological shift

  • a sense of new maturation that can be seen through lifestyle changes and evolved beliefs

  • waves of self reflection that can sometimes feel dark, uneasy and vulnerable only to later bring clarity, discovery, and light!

  • development of more nurturing, protective nature and deeper connection with the feminine divine

"Only by giving each baby a gentle, natural birth will we have children who act out of inner peace and interact with others in a balanced, harmonious way. As these children grow up and those of us with wounded patterns heal, we will have jointly created a new society."

- Sunni Karll, author of Sacred Birthing